Our Youth Ministries offer those in grades 6 -12 an opportunity to experience God in a refreshing way along with their peers and youth workers who love the Lord.
Follow the ministries at https://instagram.com/youth_salembc
Text YOUTH to (402) 263-0044 to sign up for text updates.
Click here for the Youth Newsletter
Regen (short for Regenerate and Regeneration) is a Church service designed specifically for youth to worship the Lord openly and freely through music, fellowship, games and short sermons. Every 2nd and 4th Sundays we Regen – we let loose and get a boost physically and spiritually.
Schedule: 2nd and 4Th Sundays, 10:00 A.M. (We meet right before Altar Prayer)
Leader: Minister Brandon Whitaker
Youth Bible Study
The Chop Chop Bible Study is where we help make the ageless truths of Bible relatable to our youth. Weekly we “Chop it up” (discuss and dialogue) about current events and the Scripture. We take the truth of the text and “chop it up” (break it down) into digestible bite sized pieces to aid our understanding. We call this “digging the doctrine.”
Schedule: Wednesdays, 6:30 – 7:30 P.M.
Leader: Minister Brandon Whitaker
These ministries have been modified due to Covid 19 protocols. Please call the church office to verify current activities.
Drill Team
Practice Location and Times
Saturdays, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (October – March)
Thursdays, 5:30 – 7:30 PM (April – September)
Open to new members (October – January)
Practice sessions are held at the ENCAP Bldg, located at 2406 Fowler Avenue
Advisor: Sister Phyllis Hicks
Leader: Brother Jeffrey Riggs
Generation of Praise Youth Choir (ages 12-20)
Lifts up praise to God at Salem services and at other events upon invitation; teaches youth the joy of ministering in music and raises up the next generation of musicians and choir members.
Schedule: Rehearses Thursdays, 8:00 PM; ministers on 3rd Sundays
Director: Sister Linda Breakfield
Vacation Bible School
Provides creative learning opportunities for children and adults, to study God’s Word and fellowship in age-based settings.
Schedule: 3rd week of July
Leader: Sister Marsha Hall
Girl Scouts (ages 5-12)
Educate young girls in the area of scouting. Promote Christian values and character, goal setting, and community service. Offer periodic field trips and other special events.
Schedule: 1st and 3rd Saturdays, 11:00 AM
Leader: Beverly Green
Asst. Leader: Sister Denise Cobbs
Pastor’s Honor Roll (Youth and Young Adults)
Encourages academic excellence by recognizing young people for high academic achievement and scholarly potential.
Schedule: Sunday services, quarterly
Leader: Education Advisory Council
Productive Futures (ages 13+)
Prepares teens and young adults to make career decisions and to pursue higher education and/or full-time ministry; Partners with local employers to offer jobs to aspiring young adults; includes job readiness training, resume writing, scholarship application, and ACT and SAT testing.
Schedule: varies (open to youth and parents)
Leader: Education Advisory Council
Education Advisory Council
Consists of professional educators who consult with the Youth Pastor and youth leaders to ensure excellence in Salem’s youth- oriented ministries; also educates and motivates parents to become more involved in children’s academics and spiritual life.
Schedule: varies