Education Council

Click the links below or type the address in the URL

Graduate Recognition Form

Please complete the attached form and submit your graduation photo in order to be recognized as a high school or college graduate. The form must be filled out completely and be submitted in a timely manner. The Education Council plans to do a virtual celebration later this summer using the information provided by creating a slide show presentation to be shared with graduates, families and the church membership. Your gift from the church will be mailed to you so make sure your home address is current.

Graduation Recognition Ceremony Form – Go to

SBC Scholarship 

Be careful to complete all requested information before submitting the scholarship application. You will need to have an official transcript from your school or college emailed to complete the process. Be aware of the due date and be patient when looking for the check from the church this fall. You will need to have your school verify attendance a few weeks after the fall semester begins. The check will be sent to your school in the amount of $500.00.

Scholarship Application –

Pastor’s Honor Roll

On the Graduate Recognition Sunday, we honor our high school and college graduates who have been recognized by their schools for their academic performance. To sign up your graduate to be recognized please visit: